I think the hardest part will be coming up with something to say. If you couldn't tell, this post has been composed of nothing but rambling nonsense so far! So as I sit here watching the Texas Rangers (what's new), I'll try my hand at simply writing some thoughts of mine and whatever comes to mind.
My eighteenth birthday is in two weeks, as I said earlier, but the funny thing is that I don't feel like I'm about to become an adult. I say all the time, "I feel like in my mind I'm still fourteen! I see people who are seventeen, eighteen, even sixteen sometimes, and think to myself, 'Wow! They are so old!'" It is then that I realize yes, I am actually eighteen. Almost every older person you talk to will tell you that their life has flown by, saying, "Where has the time gone?!" They all say life goes by even faster the older you get, but I think the same is true of young people too. Sure, when you are in school you feel like the days could not possibly be going by any slower. But when you put everything in perspective, you realize how fast the days have actually gone by. Here I am, senior year of high school, and I remember the first day of kindergarten like it was yesterday. I remember walking in with my parents, discovering that a friend who used to be our neighbors was also in my class, and then after the school day, I came home pleasantly surprised to find that my mama had baked me some M&M cookies. Here we are, thirteen years later, and I have so much more on my plate than just freshly baked cookies. Between SAT's, college applications, and more responsibilities, it is becoming ever clearer to me that I am not as young as I feel or might think I am sometimes. In fact, it did not hit me until the other day that this is the last year I will permanently live in this home with my family, the last birthday I'll spend at home (next year I'll be in college!), and the last year my small class will be altogether. While all these memories through the years have been so greatly cherished, a part of me is ready to move on, grow up, and figure things out on my own. I have looked forward to and imagined when I leave and go to college so much, it is hard to believe that that time is so quickly approaching and will be here before I know it. I was watching Ferris Bueller's Day Off the other day, and I believe Ferris himself put it quite well. "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around a while, you could miss it."
Cherishing memories and hoping I take time to stop and look around, Victoria
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